Lavender is not approved by the FDA and should not take the place of approved medicines and treatments. Please discuss any ailments and symptoms with a licensed medical professional.

Lavender (Lavandula) is known for its clean, floral aroma. This aroma has made it very popular in soaps, cleaning products, baking and even cocktails.
Lavender’s uses go further than just the beautiful floral smell. Studies have shown that lavender has antiseptic and antibacterial properties. In other words lavender has the potential to be effective at treating fungal infections, specific types of hair loss, and wound healing, as discussed by Medical News Today.
Lavender Properties
The use of lavender for its calming and peaceful properties goes back thousands of years. The Egyptians used lavender in the embalming process. Comparatively the Ancient Greeks and Romans added it to baths to help purify the mind and body. Lavender essential oil is a safe oil and can be used for aromatherapy and topical applications. Therefore it is important to note that the benefits come from aromatherapy or topical applications not digestion.
- Calming
- Anti-fungal
- Antibacterial
- Reduces stress
- Promotes clarity
- Harmony
- Aroma reduced headaches and tension
- Said to reduce insomnia, fatigue, nervousness, anxiety and burn out
- Promotes skin healing; bruises, cuts, burns, scrapes, scars, insect bites, and sores (Kutlu et al, 2013)
- May help reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety (Koulivand, 2013)

Alchemic Correspondences
Gender: Masculine
Element: Air
Planet: Mercury
Chakra: Third Eye
How to Use Lavender
- Make a soothing tea to reduce insomnia and promote calm.
- Add Lavender essential oil to dryer balls to cleanse clothes.
- Spray lavender sleep spray on your pillow before bedtime to take advantage of the insomnia reducing effects. Check out this Non-toxic DIY lavender sleep spray.
- Add 4 tbsp of dried lavender to 6 cups of simmering water. Next let cool to room temperature and strain. Finally use the lavender water to cleanse the home, body and clothes.
- Lavender bath, add a handful of dried lavender to the bath water for a more enhanced peaceful and calming bath. This bath can be used to relieve tension and headaches also.
- Make lavender oil with dried lavender leaves.
- Infused Vinegar for cleaning, hair wash or sprits onto dogs to prevent fleas and ticks.
- Lavender leaves can substitute rosemary in baking. Start out with less than what the recipes calls for. It’s always easier to add the remove leaves.
Stay tuned in future posts for salves, teas and other rubs using lavender!
- “The Herbal Alchemist’s Handbook: A Grimoire of Philtres, Elixirs, Oils, Incense, and Formulas for Ritual Use”
- “Grimoire of a Kitchen Witch: An Essential Guide to Witchcraft.”
- Koulivand, Peir Hossein et al. “Lavender and the nervous system.” Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine : eCAM vol. 2013 (2013): 681304. doi:10.1155/2013/681304
- Adalet Koca Kutlu, Dilek Çeçen, Seren Gülşen Gürgen, Oya Sayın, Ferihan Çetin, “A Comparison Study of Growth Factor Expression following Treatment with Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation, Saline Solution, Povidone-Iodine, and Lavender Oil in Wounds Healing”, Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, vol. 2013, Article ID 361832, 9 pages, 2013.
Lavender is the best, awesome post!
Interesting Post! Any tips for making the lavender oil?
Thank you for the feedback! Appreciate it. An easy lavender oil recipe, fill a glass jar with lavender cuttings and top off with a carier oil (I like olive or coconut oil). Close the jar and leave in a warm location for up to 3 weeks. Strain the leaves out and place oil in a jar for long term storage!
I never knew you can substitute the leaves for rosemary! So interesting. I love using lavender to heal cuts, I’ve never applied it to a bruise so I’ll be sure to try that!
Lavender leaves and Rosemary leaves have a lot of similar properties. Definitely recommend looking into that!
Lavender is such a magical herb to make you feel well. Totally agree!
Thank you for the feedback!
I have a large lavender plant in my front yard. I’ve never known what to do with it, these are great tips and ideas.
Highly recommend! Thanks for the feedback!
awesome ideas! thanks for sharing!
Thank you!
I love lavender so much! I think there isn’t a better, healthier, clearer, and more magical herb like this! ♥ Great post!